Never Alone Again Group

Join the Never Alone Again Group & receive our Weekly Newsletter & Updates.
Thank you for being part of the Never Alone Again Group! You are the most important part of our meetings. We feel grateful that you want to consider NAAG your Home Group.  Hopefully you find our meetings provide a receptive environment; and as you progress in recovery, we hope you'll be able to pass the message on to others.

Stay current on Outgoing Commitments, Speaker Schedules, Service Work Positions & more...  It's a great way to keep up to date on what's happening at NAAG!  Newsletters typically go out once a week on Monday morning.  Updates could come at anytime, but we aren't about flooding your inbox.  

Thanks again & Keep Coming!

(If at any time you want to unsubscribe you can do so by simply clicking the "unsubscribe from this list" button at the bottom of our weekly email)

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